C L E A N I N G : Gently rub your ring in circular motions using a soft towel and warm, soapy water.
F I N I S H I N G : Use the polishing cloth (included ) to gently buff the inside of your ring using repeated circular motions.
C L E A N I N G : Gently rub your ring in circular motions using a soft towel and warm, soapy water.
F I N I S H I N G : Use the included polishing cloth to gently buff your ring using repeated circular motions.
G E N E R A L W E A R : Safe for everyday use including dishes + shower.
To avoid scratches, remove before heavy labor. Avoid contact with harsh chemicals.
C L E A N I N G +
F I N I S H I N G : Gently rub your ring in circular motions using a soft towel and warm, soapy water. Finish with polishing cloth.
If you have additional questions or concerns about handmade gold wedding rings, wooden bands or sandcast jewelry, please contact us!